Tuesday 29 January 2013

Butterfly sun catcher, Popsicle bracelets and beads

It's that time of the week again.  I have printed off a template from
and though I will have to photocopy on to black and then do the fiddly cutting out I think it will produce some nice effects with tissue paper bought very cheaply from Poundland or similar.

If you Google popsicle bracelets a variety of techniques come up.  I will try the quicker microwaving one and see what happens.  I only have 9 sticks at home.  If it is successful I will do more.

And finally beads - the perennial favourite.  Better to use the thin elastic than the thin stretchy slippery stuff - nothing gets them in a bad mood like seeing their bracelet come undone and all the beads go over the floor.  They need little supervision except an eye out that beads do not end up as ammunition or in pockets.

I now need to collect #6 plastic because you can apparently use it to make shrinkies!  More on that when I have enough.

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